Church Restoration Services

Church Restoration Services - Hayes & Finch


Restore your cherished churches with our expert church furnishing restoration services!

The United Kingdom is home to a rich tapestry of English heritage. Our churche buildings are essential in preserving this cultural legacy. They are at the heart of the country.

Hayes & Finch's team of professional restorers is highly skilled and dedicated. They're committed to preserving and bringing new life to sacred spaces for generations to come. Their work is done with great care and expertise. And we've been providing services for churches since 1882.

Our Comprehensive Church Restoration Services

Our in-house silversmiths provide an exceptional renovation service. They can restore your valuable, time-worn items to their original splendour. They also craft new pieces. Our meticulous restoration process includes:

  • Repairing and replacing worn or missing parts
  • Re-plating in gold or silver
  • Polishing and lacquering
  • Replacing cracked and missing stones
  • Re-enamelling and resin work

Our team is experienced. They examine each piece carefully. They offer advice on wear and tear. They recommend appropriate actions to ensure the preservation and longevity of your items.

Learn more about our range of church restoration services. Click below to see each specialisation.


Silverware, brassware, furniture and vestments can all be renovated in various ways, but our aim always remains the same, making the item look as good as new. 

Click below to see more information on the types of renovation we can provide...





Church Chalice Restoration Service - Hayes & Finch


A Passion for Preserving English Heritage

Our team's dedication to preserving the unique charm and beauty of our churches goes beyond providing first-class restoration services. We understand that protecting each historic building is more than just a project. It is a labour of love, a dedication to preserving our English heritage.

With Hayes & Finch's church restoration services, you can trust that your sacred space is in the hands of professionals who care deeply about their work and the role your church plays in our collective history.

Great Care in Every Detail

Our team of skilled restorers takes great care in every aspect of our restoration services. We understand the importance of preserving the integrity of the original materials while making sure the work we carry out is in keeping with the style and spirit of your church.

From the initial consultation to the completion of your restoration project, we work closely with you to ensure your expectations are met and your treasured items are returned to you in a condition befitting their significance.


Church Plate Restoration Service - Hayes & Finch


Working with Members of the Clergy and Laypeople

We're proud to partner with members of the clergy and laypeople who work tirelessly to maintain and restore churches across the United Kingdom. Our experience working with a diverse range of clients makes sure we can provide tailored solutions to meet the specific needs and requirements of each unique church.

Contact Us for Your Church Restoration Needs

Preserving our English heritage and the beauty of our churches is a mission we hold dear. Trust Hayes & Finch to provide the highest quality church restoration services and join us in safeguarding these beautiful buildings for future generations.

Get in touch with our team today to discuss your restoration needs and let us help you breathe new life into your cherished church.

Hayes & Finch: Restoring the heart of your church, piece by piece.

All work is preceded with a full written quotation. A deposit may be required.

For a free quotation on your renovation requirements, please contact us using the form or the contact information below.

phone 0845 450 5593
